By Jasmith69
United Kingdom
I have a mature Hamamelis Mollis "Pallida" in my garden which, four years ago, had one of its branches split from the trunk. I carefully taped and wired the branch back in place and it survived. However, ever since it was damaged that branch blossoms three weeks earlier than the rest of the shrub. Is it usual for a portion of a plant which has been stressed in some way to exhibit such a long "memory"?
8 Jan, 2012
It is not genetics, it will be the hormones reacting to stimuli in different ways. The damage area will be compensating for the damaged tissue by concentrating growth and other hormones there.
8 Jan, 2012
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« My lily arum leaves are yellow? Am I giving it too much water?
Well, how interesting! I don't know the answer, but am pondering possible causes for the earlier flowering - there will definitely be some callus or scarring formation in that part of the plant, but I can't explain why that would cause earlier flowering in that portion, other than to say the genetic information has been affected in some way. It might be that, when effecting its own tissue repair (with your help), the cells in that part are now younger and livelier than the rest of the tree, thus causing earlier activity, but I'm really only musing out loud here...
8 Jan, 2012