By Gateshead
Tyne And Wear, United Kingdom
Lisianthus are they hard to grow. I'm interested in some plug plants from Van Meuwen
- 9 Jan, 2012
tried to grow them from seed no joy though, so plugs are a good option . agree with bamboo re cultivation.
9 Jan, 2012
thanks for your advice. hope they will be ok in my mini greenhouse. I had the impression they were tempremental but if they're no more difficult than any other annual plug then I'm getting them !
9 Jan, 2012
Bear in mind the half hardy bit though - they'll need heat in the greenhouse till summer.
9 Jan, 2012
I found them tempremental!... but I,m pleased I tried
In a cold Gh in individual clay pots they all eventually had flowers which pleased me but some looked wilted if I watered them and others if I didn,t!.
10 Jan, 2012
Not frost hardy, so grown as annuals here only, unless you keep them in a greenhouse or as houseplants, and even then, hard to keep them going for a second season. Like lightish soil, reasonable amount of sun.
9 Jan, 2012