By Cb7
United Kingdom
Hi Bilbobaggins. Unfortunately it has broken off at ground level. I put it into water straight away. Don't know whether to try some rooting powder before placing into compost. Thank You, CB 7
10 Jan, 2012
Thanks for your advice. Seem to be talking to the dog a lot lately!
15 Jan, 2012
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Re your poor rhodo, you have nothing to loose really have you? It is not a bad time of hear to take hardwood cuttings of evergreens, so its well worth a try. Rooting powder should help. You don't say how big the stem is - its a good plan to remove most of the lower leaves to cut down moisture loss. If its a long stem you might even cut it in half and have two goes at it. Explain to your dog that if you want cuttings you will in future take them yourself!
10 Jan, 2012