By Gypsytiger
United Kingdom
what type of soil or compost for bird of paradise seed
- 14 Jan, 2012
Ja, I would put Stelitzia seeds in good fertile soil and at the temps Derekm has said. They will need repotting over the 3-5 years that they take to flower as they grow to about 4-5 foot high and pretty wild. In South Africa they are used in a lot of road sides and in borders in developments - the soil is red clay but is fertile and if raked pretty light (cause of less frequent rain than here). They have rhizomes so a loose sand and bark mixed soil would be good to let them grow.
15 Jan, 2012
Remove the orange beard on the seed. It has something in it that will inhibit germination. A soak for 24 hours will help, also. Then it takes about a month to germinate, sometimes longer. I have the nicholai, and it has been almost 7 years with no flower. My regular ones do best in well-drained, sunny soil.
15 Jan, 2012
Use good quality seed compost, I find john innes best, keep them at 64-70deg f until they germinate, you can then reduce the temp a little, they will probably take 3 or 4 years to reach flowering size {maybe more}
14 Jan, 2012