By Lindadaker
United Kingdom
We have got a plot outside our caravan about 2m x 1m and we put a few things last year but the damn rabbits have eaten everything accept the rosemary bushes.
Could you please advise on what else rabbit's don't like so we can create a nice small plot.
15 Jan, 2012
I find my plaguey rabbits don't eat lavender, fuchsias or geraniums (Pelargoniums). Daffodils and kaffir lilies aren't eaten either. Otherwise they'll have a go at most things.
Some herbs seem resistant - thyme with silver edged leaves survives when the plain leaved variety has succumbed, and mint isn't eaten - though be wary of planting that as it spreads horribly, even escapes from pots through the drainage holes.
Good luck Linda
15 Jan, 2012
LAs mg sais dig wire in to a foot but slope it outwards .bye 45 pdegrees as they will dig next to the vissible wire as they havnt the sence to dig furtherback . if you put it strate down they just mite dig under still . Have you consider a raised garden about 36 inches high with A picket fence that should stop them and be easier to look after or a pond with some nice water plants . another option is a nice biggish shrub/small tree with a statue or seat etc ? Ps are you sure its rabbits ?
16 Jan, 2012
As suggested try the plants which they don't like (do a Google search) or use a product called 'Grazers' which can be bought from the garden centre which will do the trick but does tend to be the expensive path to take.
16 Jan, 2012
many thanks for all your suggestions we will give all your ideas a go
16 Jan, 2012
'Reynardin' will get rid of rabbits. Using protective gloves tip some on an old bit of rag and put it where it cant get leached by rain, under the steps or a suitable tin cover. It will last 3 weeks.
Our allotment Steward called it 'Fox's piddle.'
17 Jan, 2012
Reynardine is no longer available, and we didn't find it effective anyway.
Don't trust lists of things that rabbits supposedly won't eat - I've found that ours are hungry enough - or desperate enough to eat all sorts of things that the RHS, for example lists as rabbit proof.
I often just buy one sample plant and see what happens. Sometimes they go for a plant weeks after you put it in, perhaps they've exhausted other foods first.
17 Jan, 2012
I think NPs suggestion is a good one a raised bed, with mesh completely underneath it at ground level!
17 Jan, 2012
Previous question
There is little that rabbits wont get their teeth into sadly. Can you fence off your wee plot with the wire going a good foot under the ground?
Copy and paste the link below into your web browser, not Google
In theory all the plants mentioned are not ones rabbits like, but rabbits can't read!
15 Jan, 2012