Stupid Boyfriend Has Ruined Conifers - help!
By Tingalay
United Kingdom
Without going into detail, I now have a 9' conifer hedge that has about a foot of green growth at the top and revolting brown, hacked branches below. UPDATE: We're talking about 2' of bare branches and can see through to neighbour's garden. As we want rapid, evergreen and dense, have decided to hack the branches back to the trunk, leaving the green topknot, tack thatch screening to the trunks to a metre high and then underplant the existing conifers with new - and keep them trimmed back REGULARLY. Boyfriend wasn't shouted at or left to starve, even though he has also finished off a bay tree. His job is now limited to digging holes - where I want them (unlike the dog who is trying to reach Australia). Will post pic of sad hedge over the Easter weekend so you can cry with me :-)
6 Apr, 2009
If it is Leylandii Tingalay you shouldn't cut back into the Brown because it wont grow again!! and as Moongrower has already said the soil underneath will be dry and acidy.. Sorry to give you bad news, maybe you could put a pic up for us to see :)
6 Apr, 2009
virginia creeper planted somewear else ofcourse quite a livley grower and nice to look at
6 Apr, 2009
Agree with MoonG. Leylandii will have taken moisture and nutrients out of the soil - a shame, bcos otherwise that would hv looked so lovely.
Flippant advice re boyfriend - forgive him and drink tea. Life's too short. xx
7 Apr, 2009
ow and dont let him in ya garden lol
7 Apr, 2009
Ivy will grow anywhere, it will love climbing all over the conifers. There is such a wide range of ivies to choose from too.
8 Apr, 2009
thats a good idea a big verigated one would be nice
8 Apr, 2009
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the hedge will grow back if, as I suspect it is leylandii. Honeysuckle and clematis is unlikely to grow through a coniferous hedge as the soil below it will be poor quality due to the hedge
6 Apr, 2009