Plant to absorb moisture?
By Tigertom
United Kingdom
Hi all,
I wonder if you can help me. I am looking for a plant to remove condensation and moisture from a small hall.
The hall is used for Kung Fu training and goes through a variety of temperatures from freezing cold when not in use to boiling hot when full of 30 hot sweaty bodies.
I have heard the 'air plants' might work as they will take moisture from the air, but am worried the cold will kill them.
Does any one have any suggestions?
18 Jan, 2012
Until the conditions (ery cold periods and lack of air flow and fluctuating heating) are altered I cannot see any plants doing this for you.
18 Jan, 2012
Thanks Bulbaholic.
18 Jan, 2012
Would not a Boston fern (Nephrolepsis exaltata bostoniensis) be OK in those conditions?
18 Jan, 2012
Doubt it would help to remove condensation and moisture Tigertom. The biggest challenge is the temperature swing and the lack of light. Our village hall is completely dark for most of the time.
18 Jan, 2012
Can only suggest a de-humidifier. The water it collects/condenses can be used to water any other indoor/outdoor plants you have.
18 Jan, 2012
Agree with Avkq!
18 Jan, 2012
I am pleased that you are thinking of a green solution, Tom, but I cannot think of anything that would suit your purpose. In addition to the temperature fluctuations, which will certainly be an issue for any plants, the plants also need light. My experience of village halls etc is that they don't have a lot of windows and that the curtains are usually drawn when the hall is not in use. I do hope that someone else can come up with the perfect solution for you.
18 Jan, 2012