Cheap short-term screening for privacy?
By Robin_b
United Kingdom
We have a large front & side garden with a low wall around. As this is our main garden, we'd like some privacy. We've planted a variety of hedging plants, but these will take a few years to get to the height to give us privacy. So, we are looking for a cheap solution to give us privacy while the hedging develops - perhaps bamboo screening or similar - but don't want the expense of a fence.

7 Apr, 2009
Perhaps pasiflora incarnata (Maypop) could be your solution. it grows like a weed, goes straignt up if trellised. Put out fishing line for it to grow upon vertically) and if you muclh the roots, they'll quickly come back in the spring. You'll get privacy, beautiful flowers, and delicious fruit in fall :)
Good luck,
7 Apr, 2009
I've just bought 2 year old mixed hedging stems. These will grow really quickly and provide lots of interest for you to look at. As well as provide lots of nectar for wildlife.
Privet (either varigated or non) also grows quickly in my experience and is easy to trim each autumn. It has a lovely smell when flowering in summer. (white flowers)
As long as you water a new hedge plenty in its first year of planting, you'll be successful whatever you decide to plant. Happy hunting!
7 Apr, 2009
Not sure what I would recommend here, you dont say how tall a screen you are looking for, although I would be careful whatever you put up that is a 'tall structure' if this is the front of your property as some local planning authorities can be funny about tall fences on frontages, so check out the solutions your neighbours have used before you invest.
7 Apr, 2009