Woodland Burial Site
For all those kind people who gave me advice on my mum's woodland burial site ..... I went down there today with a really good friend (who cared very much for my mum).
We lifted off the rough grass and put 3 bags of topsoil down. Then we planted woodland flowers - acquilegia, primroses, saxifrage, pulmonaria, wood anemones, Sempervivum (Live Forever Plant) muscari, blue geranium. These are all things which will spread out and in a month or two should look lovely. We relaid the old grass around to make it look really natural.
It looks lovely. If this doesn't work (with the topsoil) then I will just leave it to return to meadowland.
Anyway .... thanks to everyone for their suggestions.
Kind regards
8 Apr, 2009
it will naturalise beautifully in time. a good choice of plants.
8 Apr, 2009
What a lovely idea so much nicer than the usual, it'll be lovely when they naturalise all around.
8 Apr, 2009
Such a nice idea Linda ,sounds so beautiful and somewhere nice to sit with your thoughts.
I dont have that special place for my parents had to respect their wishes in their will.
9 Apr, 2009
Linda, I did something similar for my late father - I'm sure your Mum would really, really appreciate what you have done.
11 Apr, 2009
Hello Linda,
Thank you for letting us know what you have done at your Mother's burial site. It all sounds lovely and it will be a really beautiful place for you to visit.
8 Apr, 2009