By Avkq47
United Kingdom
hello spritzhenry ... your clematis blog is amazing, but wondered about the cirrhosa red/maroon flower in your pictures. Every time I clicked on photo or name, I came up with 'bad gate 502'!! Is it really one of the cirrhosa evergreens; just how hardy is it; and what is the full name for it? Thank you so much.
25 Jan, 2012
Avkq47...the system crashed last night,and a lot of us had this message .I didn't know what it was either,but it was ok this morning..all back to normal again..:o)
25 Jan, 2012
If it's a dark red one, it's C. cirrhosa 'Lansdowne Gem', Avkq47, and it's hardy for me. I've had it for about 4-5 years now. It's my favourite C. cirrrhosa, and yes, it's evergreen, and in flower now.
I'm glad you liked my blog - thank you for the lovely comment. :-))
25 Jan, 2012
Thank you all for your responses. Will remember a PM next time!
26 Jan, 2012
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Hi all, Would someone identify this plant please. Many thanks. »
You might want to ask this question as a Private Message, Avkq47.
25 Jan, 2012