United Kingdom
Where can I buy a cobaea scandens plant (not seed) and when should it be planted?
26 Jan, 2012
I think you may have a problem finding plants. Although this is a perennial in Mexico in the UK it is grown as an annual with the seed being sown time to sow the seed is late winter or early spring.
26 Jan, 2012
I have seen them in garden centres, and believe it or not they were described as hardy! They were also over a tenner!
Seriously, buy the seed now and sow on a window sill. The seed germinates better if you pour water over them that was boiled ten minutes earlier, and then leave to soak for 24hrs.
26 Jan, 2012
Over a tenner for a plant that will only last a year? Sounds like a rip off to me... As Meanie says seed sown now will produce good plants and you'll have more than one plant, heck you could sell some to neighbours for a few pounds!
27 Jan, 2012
Previous question
They're not hardy plants, so don't buy till late April or May - can be planted outside when all risk of frost is past (end of May). Garden centres often stock them around this time, otherwise source plants online. Just not now.
26 Jan, 2012