agave fungal infection
By Mrsmacca
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
How do I treat the fungal infection on my agave? The plant is in a pot outside in the back garden. The leaves are yellowish with brown/green rings on them.
8 Apr, 2009
Thanks for your reply Sid, the damage is only on the very lowest leaves, can I treat the plant with something? and yes I did leave it outside all winter! I normally do, but usually wrap it, I had a baby in November so was completely side tracked this year and forgot to cover it.......
9 Apr, 2009
You are lucky it has survived after this hard winter with no cover! Sorry, I'm not aware of anything that you could treat it with. I would hope it would sort itself out come summer if it's not too wet. If you can, you should remove the effected leaves, but dont damage the plant in the process. Many congrats with the new little one :-)
9 Apr, 2009
Hi Mrsmacca,
My agaves are just the same this year because of all the frost we have had. The leaves that go yellow or black are dying. Just wait till they dry off and remove. hopefully the centre is still OK and some new leaves will grow when it gets warmer. good luck!
9 Apr, 2009
There are some tiny new leaves growing on it, so will try to remove damaged leaves, but as I write this it is pouring down... Will let you know how I get on, also need to move its position as very spikey and baby will be on the move before I know it, he was a big surprise and the garden is very unsuitably planted!
10 Apr, 2009
I think some people stick corks on all the spines ;-)
13 Apr, 2009
Oh dear - that doesn't sound too good. Did you keep it outdoors all winter? They are not fully hardy and if the fungal infection is due to frost damage, then I'm afraid you may have lost your plant.
8 Apr, 2009