Garden soil pest
By Bashtovan
United Kingdom
Thanks to you both. I have apologised to the monster's next of kin.

17 Apr, 2008
Woah there, Bashtoven! This guy is no pest - he is a very beneficial little beastie! He is in fact a centipede and he eats creatures that live in the soil (not plants) and gobbles up all sorts of things that might harm your plants. Now, go out into your garden and APOLOGISE to him for calling him a pest! ;-)
17 Apr, 2008
So what's the difference between a millipede and a centipede please?
17 Apr, 2008
Erm.......don't know, Hang on, let's consult Collins book of British Wildlife......................................ah here it is...well, apparently, millipedes have two pairs of legs per segment, while centipedes have only one pair of legs per segment. Well, now we know! :-)
17 Apr, 2008 I understand the difference from that explanation? Thanks for reading your useful book, though! It is bedtime, maybe my brain has seized up...
17 Apr, 2008
Thanks to you both. I have apologised to the monster's next of kin.
18 Apr, 2008
Oh NOOOOO! Does that mean....does that mean... that you (whispers) k-k-k- killed one? Shock, horror!!!! I DOOO hope that you held a proper funeral for him/her, Bashtovan.
18 Apr, 2008
18 Apr, 2008
Wow! a monster of a millipede! (I think)... Can't think what else it could be, Bashtoven. I hope it doesn't bite! lol
17 Apr, 2008