By Hester
South Africa
our arum lilies was beautiful in 2011 from January 2012 the leaves started turning yellow and continue doing so. Can to much sun affect them ? They are growing next to a waterfeature that means that they get more than normal water.
29 Jan, 2012
Perhaps they are water-logged, rather than just in moist soil? Too much water could result in a loss of nutrients, such as nitrogen? Too much direct sun can burn the leaves, but that is different to yellowing of the leaves.
29 Jan, 2012
It may have something to do with hot weather, too. Z. aethiopica goes dormant when the temps go above 32ยบ C, especially if the nights are warmer, too.
30 Jan, 2012
thanks for the info
30 Jan, 2012
Zantedechia aethiopica is a south african native, so I don,t think the sun will be the cause, and as they can be grown as a pond marginal, I wouldn,t think the water would be the cause either, I would think some sort of physiological disorder, sorry I can,t be more help to you.
29 Jan, 2012