By Steragram
Pembrokeshire, United Kingdom
Two questions today. I've just received some anemone multifida, replacing some of the wrong variety I was sent last year. I've put them to soak as instructed - should I pot them or should they go straight into the ground?
Second, is there anything i can do about the black on this hellebore before it takes over completely? Been unwell lately and only just noticed it.
- 30 Jan, 2012
Glad I saw this Q..Some of the Hellebores in a garden down the road are like this.
30 Jan, 2012
Black death???? Ooh sounds terrible. Thank you for your answer Owdboggy, and so amazingly quick too! Do you know what causes it and if it dies could Ireplant in the same place? Does it spread?
30 Jan, 2012
PS I've just Googled it and found this photo
Mine isn't streaked at all as you can see from the photo.
30 Jan, 2012
The pictures I have seen of it show that in the latter stages, the leaves go completely black. The only way to be sure is to remove all the leaves as I said and watch the new growth for the tell tale streaks.
Not sure about replanting, will have to read up about it again.
30 Jan, 2012
I get black leaves on this type of helleborous and I just cut it back to ground level and it re-grows!
30 Jan, 2012
Gloomy news, but glad to know. Thank you very much. If you do discover about replanting or transmission between other specimens please would you tell me?
30 Jan, 2012
I have always cut back the older leaves of hellebores, just as the new shoots and/or flowers, start to show in November to January, and have never seen this. Could this be useful to you for the future? The leaves are then burned, rather than putting in the compost heap.
30 Jan, 2012
Thanks folks, very encouraging. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. The leaves will come off tomorrow weather permitting.
30 Jan, 2012
If the new growth is clear then you should not need to replant. Even if it is the virus/fungus thing then it is not transmitted by seed so you or anyone can let the plant flower and sow the seeds.
31 Jan, 2012
Thank you. I have cut off all the leaves and a few of the flower buds and removed the black bits on some of the others. I'll look out for the seeds. Its the first time its had more than a couple of flowers and this year it has lots. that's life I guess.
31 Jan, 2012
The Hellebore looks to be suffering from the Black Death of Hellebores. Cut all the leaves off down to the base where they emerge. Check if the new growth has any black markings as well. If that is clean then you may be in time to save it, if not then eventually the plant will die. There seems to be no cure for it either.
I would pot the Anemone up rather than planting them out, it is a bit cold at present and likely to get colder. They certainly would not appreciate being planted in soil which is likely to get frozen.
30 Jan, 2012