why has my blue aubretia come out in pink this year?
By Phil88
United Kingdom
For more than 20 years my aubretia has flowered in a cascade of blue. This year it has flowered entirely in pink. Why? I have not altered the acidity of the soil - in fact, I have done nothing to my garden for a long time!
10 Apr, 2009
I would think the soil has changed somehow. If it was a virus, the flowers would be streaked.
Sorry not to be more help! :-(
10 Apr, 2009
it could be down to the extreme cold/frosts that we have had this winter. though i have known aubretia do this. Is it a pretty pink?
welcome to GoY too.
10 Apr, 2009
You might just have to enjoy a pink aubrieta this year - and see what happens next spring!
10 Apr, 2009
How very odd! I've never come across that before - it has reverted in some way. Are the leaves healthy - not showing signs of disease?
10 Apr, 2009