Is my clematis dead?
By Leyther
United Kingdom
I have a clematis which is positioned in a sunny position and over 4 years has flourished and now stretches over the porch. It always looks stunning but this year it has little signs of new growth. The branches are brown and brittle, is it dead? Should I dig it out and start again?
10 Apr, 2009
I thought I'd lost a clematis tangutica over the winter, but over the last few days it has just started into growth again. I would wait until at least June before giving up on it
10 Apr, 2009
I had a clematis Montana that I planted last Autumn and it was all budding well until last week when it suddenly died. I've cut it back down to the base and there were some signs of green still. Perhaps it will revitalise? I can only think the frosts got at it but I though the Montanas were pretty tough?
10 Apr, 2009
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Do you know which it is? If it's a Clematis montana type, then it may well be dead, as they are in bud now.
If it's a species that flowers later, then check at the base carefully and you may well find new shoots appearing.
I would wait a while before you dig it out!
10 Apr, 2009