By Vonabernie
United Kingdom
i am wanting some ideas for ever green shrubs to cover a back fence we have lime soil and its in full sun most of the day can anyone help i all ready have acuba i need about 4 more plants to join it.
5 Feb, 2012
Hello! My only concern, is that Aucuba does not like limey or alkaline soils, preferring a neutral to slightly acid soil, so it may start to show signs of sickness. You may be able to combat this by giving it a good dose of ericaceous feed or sequestered iron once in a while, but in the long term, you may be better off replanting it in a large pot (increase size over the years) with a mix of John Innes No.3 and ericaceous compost.
5 Feb, 2012
That's a new one on me, Avkg47 - as far as I know, and according to my info here, Aucuba tolerates a very wide range of soils and conditions.
5 Feb, 2012
Hello, bamboo ... Aucuba is definitely one of the neutral to slightly acid shrubs that I have come across, and will tolerate a wide range in that area, without the strong alkaline/lime soils, or the strong acid. They survive for a while but eventually the lime gets to them and they start to yellow off and die back.
6 Feb, 2012
I haven't had much luck growing Osmanthus in our alkaline soils here, either. Our soil is pretty extreme in alkalinity, though!
6 Feb, 2012
Evergreen Jasmine is stunning and produces loads of highly scented flowers throughout summer.
12 Feb, 2012
Previous question
« im lookin for a small hardy plant for the grave anything i plant just die
Berberis varieties such as B. darwinii, B. ottawensis or Rose Glow (the last two are deciduous), Ceanothus, Deutzia, Escallonia, Forsythia, Hebe, Hypericum 'Hidcote', Ilex, Olearia, Osmanthus, Sambucus, Viburnum to name a few. All fine in alkaline soils.
5 Feb, 2012