By Dave_p
United Kingdom
can anybody give me advice? i have started some seeds off in modules[ cauli, cabbage, broccoli] they were not started in a propagator just on shelf in conservatory, the temp is around 10 to 15 degrees, they all seem to have gone leggy about 2" long will they be ok or should i do something else with them? dave
6 Feb, 2012
thanks a lot for advice BH they are unwins growsure seeds should i start again ?
6 Feb, 2012
Yes - in March, as Bulbaholic suggests
6 Feb, 2012
thanks bamboo, also have started my onions from seed and they are well on there way are they ruined ?
6 Feb, 2012
Normally, if your seedlings of Brassicas do get leggy like this then the answer is to pot them on, but plant them deeply, so that the bottom leaves are only just above the soil level. However, as said it is a bit early to be sowing these seeds.
6 Feb, 2012
No, the onions are just fine. The old gardener's advice with them was to sow on the shortest day and harvest on the longest.
6 Feb, 2012
thanks OB will try potting them on see how it goes
6 Feb, 2012
Fortunately, the stem of onions is entirely underground, so if the first leaves fall over, it isn't the end of the plant, though it will set them back, some. Note that only close cabbage relatives, monocots--such as onions, asparagus, leeks, and corn--and tomatoes can be planted deeper if they are spindly. Nearly all other plants will die if planted deeper than they were as a seedling.
6 Feb, 2012
thankyou all for comments
7 Feb, 2012
Previous question
I would suggest that you have started these off too early, Dave. I am not even thinking about it yet.
These seedlings are not getting enough light and are now too warm, that is why they are so leggy. I will be sowing mine in early March in the greenhouse. The seed will start off in a propagator but as soon as they have emerged they will be taken out and grown on in the un-heated greenhouse.
6 Feb, 2012