demijohns as cloches
By Alansez
United Kingdom
I have saved lots of demi-johns from my old wine-making days. I have been pestered by he who must be obeyed so many times to get rid of them, but I always thought they would "come in handy". I heard that someone had cut the bottoms of theirs to use them as cloches, but after several attempts with a glass-cutter and several bags of broken glass later I still don't have a cloche. The glaziers won't do it so does anyone have any suggestions please?
11 Apr, 2009
Hi again, Alansez - Just had another thought on this.
Rather than removing the base completely (which was the basis for my original answer), how about cutting a hole in the base, say an inch or so in from the edge. That would keep some support for the sides in place but you'd still have a fairish space for a plant or two. Still sharp edges, though, so be careful ... !
14 Apr, 2009
Previous question
Hi Alansez & welcome to GoY! I have *rooms* full of "will come in handy"!
Personally, I think you're onto a loser, here. Even if you manage to get the bottoms out successfully - which will be a heck of a job, I think, if you consider the way the glass is probably stressed - you're going to be left with a very sharp edge you'll have to carefully round off and I'm not sure it'll be worth the work and trouble. They are a good cloche shape though, I have to agree. How about using a few as vivaria and growing some "exotics" which you wouldn't usually have as houseplants..? Sorry to rain on your parade ... Someone else may have a better answer, though!
11 Apr, 2009