By Avkq47
United Kingdom
Hello ... Perrenial bare rooted plants have been received early, ie I was told to expect them in March! The ground is too frosted to heel them in temporarily, and my shed is full to bursting with plugs and plants. If I pot them up tomorrow and cover with bubble wrap/fleece will they be okay outdoors for a few weeks until I am ready to plant them out?
11 Feb, 2012
Thank you Seaburngirl - just the reassurance I needed, and thankfully things seem to be defrosting slowly but surely! There is no green growth at all - just the merest hint of the future plant. I am so impatient to get potting and planting!!
12 Feb, 2012
Previous question
even in damp newspaper in a frost free outhouse [unheated spare room]will be fine for a couple of weeks. I assume there is no active growth on them. I have done this in the past.
my compost bags are frozen soild -7 all day. so lilies havnt been planted yet nor my dahlia.
11 Feb, 2012