Annual Canna
By Spritzhenry
West Somerset,
I was sent a packet of seeds as a freeby with an order - the packet was labelled 'Annual Canna' and it had 6 seeds in it. No picture on the packet. Having never heard of these, I was wondering if anyone else could please enlighten me - size, colour, position etc?
11 Apr, 2009
Well - thanks! They certainly aren't the kind that grow from tubers, so I shall be waiting with interest to see which colour they are (if and when they flower!)
11 Apr, 2009
I look forward to seeing the pictures ...
12 Apr, 2009
Hi Spritz - hope all is good with you! I don't really know nuffin' about canna but I found this at:
I think there's a bit more info I didn't go into, as well.
The name canna comes from the Greek word for "reed," referring to the stems. Breeders have provided many sturdy and colorful kinds.
Canna is a vibrant flower available as a red annual, a yellow to orange annual, and a pink to fuchsia annual.
Description of canna: Cannas grow from fleshy roots with erect stalks from which broad, long leaves emerge. Flower stalks rising in the center bear large flowers. Foliage may be green, bronze, or purplish in hue.
Growing canna: Cannas need full sun and grow best in a deep, rich, moist but well-drained soil. Incorporate extra organic matter and a slow-release fertilizer in the soil before planting. For earliest bloom, start in pots indoors. Otherwise plant roots directly into the ground after soil is warm and all danger of frost has passed. Use pieces of rootstock with 2 or 3 large eyes and plant 2 inches deep. Space 11/2 to 2 feet apart. Remove spent flower heads for more prolific bloom. In fall after the first light frost, cut back stems to 6 inches, dig roots with soil attached, and store in a cool, frost-free place. While in storage, water sparingly.
Propagating canna: By seed or by division of roots. Seed propagation is slow; cut roots into pieces, each with 2 to 3 eyes, in the spring just prior to planting.
Hope it helps ...
11 Apr, 2009