United Kingdom
How come there are 4 new members every day ? Never more & never less why is this ?
15 Feb, 2012
...and there was I thinking it was five a day,that's supposed to be good for you ! ...more cut backs ! :o))
Maybe only room for four at a time on the page ?
15 Feb, 2012
I've never noticed how many new members there are each day
15 Feb, 2012
Nor me
15 Feb, 2012
The site only shows the first 4 new members, you can browse to see who else has joined though.
15 Feb, 2012
Sadly a lot of them seem to join to ask one question and are never heard of again. Shame really.
15 Feb, 2012
I agree Steragram - but better than the 'Guests' and if we help them solve a problem then that is good, surely?
15 Feb, 2012
Sadder are the ones that never respond to clarify a point, thank us, blow raspberries at us, mother raised me better than that! : )
15 Feb, 2012
Thank you all for your comments,I think i`m a little wiser now,but i can only get the 4 new ones up,other than that it the whole lot & thats a lot of members to brouse through.
15 Feb, 2012
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« trying to upload 3 photos but web-site goes "off" anyone else with same...
it's a conspiracy
15 Feb, 2012