By Sadey
United Kingdom
Can I plant fox gloves in the garden now or is it too early ?
17 Feb, 2012
I put two along with some lupins in an unheated greenhouse.They were fine until the last cold spell, the frost killed off a lot of the leaves so i have put them in the utility .They are recovering but i dont dare put them out again yet
17 Feb, 2012
I have moved some where they have self sown at this time of year but not at the moment as it has been so cold. I have quite a few to move too. :o)
17 Feb, 2012
Thanks for that , I bouth them in the pots maybe I'll wait a little longer befor I put them out :)
19 Feb, 2012
Previous question
If they are plug plants then yes, as they are hardy but I would harden them off first. If seeds, then spread them where you want them to grow - they will not flower till next year though.
17 Feb, 2012