By Wyken
United Kingdom
Can anyone tell me where I can buy the sort of bottomless polysyrene seed modules that seem to have disappeared from the catalogues. They camewith theur own trayof matching "pegs" that enabled removal of the little plants without disturbance
17 Feb, 2012
Avkq47 Thank you very much for response but no joy on their website. Have sent email enquiry to them
18 Feb, 2012
Also, ebay has a sale of polystyrene trays. Looks like fifteen trays currently going for 0.99p!! There are also only a couple of other similar offers - check it out quick!
19 Feb, 2012
Thanks for ebay tip Avkq7 but nothing there that is what I'm looking for. I've decided to make my own modules that will match the "pegs" that I still have. Only other hope seems to be old stock in garden centre if I'm lucky. Thanks again.
20 Feb, 2012
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« Anyone else overwintering their fuchsia in loft. I have just taken down 1 box...
Try google ... this website looks hopeful ...
18 Feb, 2012