By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
An identification please.
It is a reticulate Iris sold to me as 'Joyce'. However Joyce is blue and this is clearly not. George is similar but with a yellow stripe. This is clearly a vivid orange. The flowers are almost 'black' in bud opening to a rich wine/purple. The photos are quite accurate for colour , sorry about the blur though [oops].

18 Feb, 2012
I have george too thats why I said it wasnt but thanks for offering. I'm surprised that yours arent out as Im in the 'cold North' of East Yorkshire.
18 Feb, 2012
19 Feb, 2012
I have Pauline too and it has more white on the falls. A friend suggested Hercules too. Oh isnt it annoying when you are mis sold varieties.
thanks for the suggestion MG.
19 Feb, 2012
Harmony? There are so many it is almost impossible to i.d. them :-(
19 Feb, 2012
Nope that ones a beautiful blue and thats another one Ive got. Sadly purples dont photograph that well. To add to the problem I have a deficiency in colour vision in the blue/purple end. OH described colours for me.
Thats the trouble once you start looking you find there are more and more to collect.
I also have this 'need' to know what it is. :o)
19 Feb, 2012
Iris reticulata purple gem?
19 Feb, 2012
nope I have that and it doesnt have the orange stripe. but thanks for the suggestion Avkq47.
20 Feb, 2012
Hello! Checked it out on google images and iris reticulata purple gem has the orange stripe?! May be helpful to you?
24 Feb, 2012
I have purple gem and it is less plum, a cleaner purple and it has a more yellowy, less orange, stripe. It also has a lot more white on the falls. The purple gem came from a rhs source so I am confident that its right. they were both out together and clearly very different. The purple gem is 'thinner' too. I will see if I can find the photo of them side by side.
thanks for the suggestion Avkq47.
25 Feb, 2012
This one is intruiging me ... try ... if you can read french!! But the picture may be helpful?
25 Feb, 2012
have a look at images for hercules and see what you think. this is the best match for shape and colour.
the french site was the image for 'species', rather than named varieties. ta :o)
25 Feb, 2012
Petal colour does not match your 'hercules' suggestion ... try this one ...
26 Feb, 2012
It doesnt match the purple gem I got from an rhs source. there are so many misnamed when added to photos. I have seen so many that are clearly misnamed so I think I will have to leave it un-named.
thanks for all your effort.
27 Feb, 2012
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Mine aren't out yet down south. I've planted "George" so will compare when mine are out
18 Feb, 2012