Summer Months UK 2009
By Sitheblade
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Does anyone know what this year's summer will be like. And i live in Sheffield,South Yorkshire.
12 Apr, 2009
We are all hoping for a better one!
12 Apr, 2009
I predict a mixture of warm fronts with regular cooler or cold weather, dry on non rainy days, with winds light to very strong, other than that im not sure !!!
12 Apr, 2009
Whatever it is, we'll complain about it! :-)
12 Apr, 2009
LOL Andrew!!! :0) so true its the British favourite topic of conversation!!
12 Apr, 2009
The real question is will we get a summer at all, or will we just jump from spring to autumn
12 Apr, 2009
I really don't care I'm just ready for it to be here, I really want some warm weather and I' wont complain I love the heat, and really look forward to working in my garden and eating peas and carrots my peas are up three inchs come have some with me. Enjoy all of your comments
12 Apr, 2009
Previous question
« Does anyone know her age. And as anyone got her book if so is it worth buying.
Unless you own a crystal ball, no-one can predict the weather, you could try looking at the UK meteorological websites, but they don't usually predict that far in advance though
12 Apr, 2009