Hi everyone- sorry I seem to be asking a lot of questions and being a novice I am not able to answer many of your more experienced queries. However I took loads of cuttings from friends shrubs in February, chopped them into 3" lengths and stuck then in pots, covered them with polythene bags and left them in the shed- with natural light. On inspection many of them have produced fresh green leaves and some new growth, though when I've looked only little roots. Baring in mind we have very hot dry summers should I now move them into a temporary bed in the garden , bring them outside and leave them in the pots or just leave them where they are till autumn. I don't know the names of them all but they do look very healthy just now. thanks anyway. Happy easter to you all or Bon Fete as they say here.
12 Apr, 2009
I agree with Spritzhenry.
Wait until the softwood cuttings produced stronger roots. You shouldn't expose them to direct sunlight.
Good luck.
12 Apr, 2009
I would agree with Spritz. Remove the bags and move the pots outside into a coolish, shady area, I suspect that your frosts are now over in the Dordogne? Pot them on later, possibly not until after the hot weather has passed, then hope that they may be large enough to plant out in autumn 2010 or even later. Don't rush them and they will be much happier.
12 Apr, 2009
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When you can see the roots just through the holes in the botom of the pots, pot them on a size. It should be fine to move them outside, gradually, a few hours each warm day - as long as there is no frost - then you'd have to take them back in again.
I wouldn't plant them out in the open until they are established in their next-sized pots, to be sure they'll thrive in your garden.
Good luck with them whatever they are - and a proper welcome to GOY! Bienvenue...
You are not a novice if you've succeeeded in this propagation! Well done! :-)
12 Apr, 2009