shrub suggestions
By Edtam
United States
We have an extremely shady area around the east side of our house that we would like to plant. Does anyone have any suggestions for this spot ? Shrubs and/or flowers.
18 Apr, 2008
For shrubs there's varieties of Aucuba japonica which have yellow splashes on their leaves, they grow well in shade or Euonymus fortunei varieties e.g. 'Emerald 'n' Gold or Silver Queen. There are lots of plants that enjoy shade, such as Hostas and ferns, hardy Geraniums, Convallaria (once they're established), little plants like Omphalodes (bright blue flowers) and woodland Anemones (nemorosa), Pulmonaria of various colours from white, pink, blue to mauve and purple, Francoa and Aster divaricatus. For the walls or fences you could grow Hydrangea petiolaris or Pileostegia viburnoides. Want any more to choose from? Hope this helps. By the way, welcome to GOY!
18 Apr, 2008
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Hi, I dont know if its meant to grow but I have a Choiysia sundance (the yellow one) which has grown to about 8ft and its in shade constantly. Being yellow it really brightens up the area and the flowers are so delicate and pretty.
18 Apr, 2008