By Gateshead
Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
Gypsophilia plug plants coming soon and I don't know how to care for them. They are also known as Babys Breath with sprigs of white flowers. (Assuming I can get them to that stage ! ) Can anyone advise please
22 Feb, 2012
They're called gypsophilia paniculata snowflake (perenial) so pleased to hear they are easy to grow.
23 Feb, 2012
They are trouble free and easy to grow. They come in an annua and perenial form do you know which it is youve got?
either way I would pot them up into a 3-5" pot until some decent growth has occurred and then plant them out where you want them to flower from late April early May.
If they are the perennial ones then just leave them in situ and they will die back in autumn and regrown next march/april.
22 Feb, 2012