By Cinderella
United Kingdom
I have noticed that some of my Heuchera pots have the dreaded vine weavil. I have discarded the plants, and have bought some vine weavil killer. Will it be ok to re-use the soil once it has been treated or should I get rid of it. I wouldnt be using it for Heuchera again in any case, but would use it on the garden if it is ok to do so.
24 Feb, 2012
Thanks MG. That was what I was thinking of doing. I have just been out and soaked all the pots with vine weavil killer, so will give it time to work. Many thanks
25 Feb, 2012
You are more than welcome.
25 Feb, 2012
Doesn't vine weevil killer only work when temperatures are higher? the sort I have does, but maybe there are better ones available now.
25 Feb, 2012
Stera the one I have is P.....o2 and it says to use in spring then again in summer. Maybe I have done it a little bit early, but things are beginning to grow aren't they, so fingers crossed. Just want to get rid of them.
26 Feb, 2012
Spread it around on the surface of the soil and keep an eye out for grubs. I wouldn't use it again in a pot though.
25 Feb, 2012