By Bryony
United Kingdom
Single hollyhock hunt!
I am looking for single hollyhocks everywhere and all I can find are double, double, double- or single, but in black.
I can see Mr Fothergill's does a 'Giant Single Mixed' but I don't like the look of the yellow, orange and black shades.
I would like a tall, single hollyhock in pink, apricot, red or pale yellow shades, basically as seen in this link although my favourite is pink:
I found a link on Ebay for 'Indian Summer' single mix, but the colours seem a bit insipid and not as nice as the normal, plain old pink or peach hollyhocks.
I am running late with planting these so any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
I found this mix of pinks and reds, but how can people selling self-collected seed be sure of the colour if they didn't control the pollination? Am I missing something?
On plant
Alcea rosea
25 Feb, 2012
Thanks, I just updated my question while you were posting. Can people selling seed from their own gardens know what colour they will be?
25 Feb, 2012
where are you living? ive got single pink ones if you are near hailsham east sussex .about twenty in pots from last years seeds
25 Feb, 2012
Not sure if seeds come true or not, sorry. The Halo series might be worth a look though - Thompson and Morgan are selling a packet of mixed colour seeds online.
25 Feb, 2012
I live in Dorset , so it's a bit far really, but thank you so much, that's a nice offer :)
I have kept my eyes peeled for single ones in nurseries but so far I have only seen black single plants.
I might try the halo series though, that does seem to be the nicest single variety so far.
25 Feb, 2012
I found this on the RHS website does it help?
25 Feb, 2012
Bryony , I can provide you with holihock seeds gratis if you would like to see if they come true , no promises .
If you send me your adress by PM I'll send you a selection .
25 Feb, 2012
Thanks Gillie, that's a definite find as I can imagine the pale flowers offsetting some stronger pinks and reds that I already have really nicely. I think it could work. I just googled it and one site says 'These are produced from seed stock discovered in archaeological remains found in Iraq dating back over 60,000 years' which is incredible.
Driad, that is so kind. I can't believe how nice people are on this site. I am just considering whether I should try plants or seed at this stage in the year, but I might take you up on your offer. I have quite a lot of interesting seed myself, some of it was bought in anticipation of a greenhouse that never materialised, so was never opened. I would hope that there would be something that you would want in return.
For this-year flowering, would plants be best or is there still time for seed?
26 Feb, 2012
You'd have to start them off and see , they can flower in their first year I think . Plants would be more certain , of course .
27 Feb, 2012
In my experience, they don't usually flower in their first year, even when bought as roots, never mind seed. But it may depend on the variety, not sure.
27 Feb, 2012
Thanks everyone. I think I will go with the ones Gillieflower found, as I think they will be a bit unusual and also be more likely to flower, being plants. I may be moving house so it would be nice to see them flower, really. It was good to have a reality check on growing from seed this year, best to be realistic really.
27 Feb, 2012
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Hmm, it is difficult - Nicky's Nursery has a couple of single forms, but not the colours you particularly want. The biggest range is stocked by Swallowtail Nurseries - they have a wide range of hollyhock seeds available, including the new Halo series, which are singles - but they're in America. Not sure if you can order from them.
25 Feb, 2012