By Kips
United Kingdom
I have 3 free range chickens which graze on my lawn. Is there a way i can feed my grass to give it a much needed boost, without causing harm to my chickens.
27 Feb, 2012
how about making a moveable chicken run as there dropp-ings are brilliant for your lawn but they will start spoiling it eventualy unless its huge with there scratching etc then you can treat the lawn anytime to .
28 Feb, 2012
They are expert at scarifying moss from the lawn!
28 Feb, 2012
but they wont stop there volunteer lol .
29 Feb, 2012
You could use an organic fertiliser like Fish, Blood and Bone. Keep the chickens off the lawn for 24 hours and use this time to water the fertiliser into the soil. They should be OK after this.
27 Feb, 2012