By Leeco4444
United Kingdom
have a conference against wall, very high growth, and lower shoots everywhere|! when prune and how hard
27 Feb, 2012
Must confess to certain naughty thinks there MG.
27 Feb, 2012
It does you good to have a laugh early on in the day, Steragram! I'm sorry, Leeco! You'll have to forgive us. Welcome to Goy!
I think, in spite of the weather being so balmy, it might not be too late to prune this pear tree even now. How hard you prune depends on whether you want the tree for decoration as well as the fruit, and whether you want to have to use a ladder to pick all those lovely pears in autumn. My brother has a beautiful pear tree which covers the end wall of his house and is three storeys high, and he prunes his to keep it "flat" against the wall, not for the fruit. You don't say how tall your tree is. Last year around this time, a "friendly" neighbour who was cutting down a row of conifers by our drive, went on into our garden with his chainsaw, muttering "Too high!" "Too high!" and took the tops off several of our fruit trees, a big pear tree included. We were too late and too gobsmacked to do anything more than gasp, but the trees flourished and fruited perfectly well, and we are thinking of applying the same philosophy ourselves this year. Try gently shaping your tree (I wouldn't recommend a chainsaw) without taking too many fruit buds off and see how you get on. You can always be more brutal once the season is over if you feel more drastic pruning is required. Good luck!
28 Feb, 2012
I think this was a 'conference call'!!LOL!!
28 Feb, 2012
Pearfectly amazing!
28 Feb, 2012
Do you mean a conference pear?
27 Feb, 2012