I thought i would sow some carrot seeds, not to eat but in hope that they will flower this year so the insects can enjoy them,is it possible for carrots to flower in their first year ? if anyone has the answer id appreciate it thanks!
28 Feb, 2012
Hi thanks Moon growe,i was hoping they were not biennial but thought id ask because i grew some from seed once a good few years ago and one did flower,i believe the seeds arnt good? but i wanted to have one or two for the bees and because i really think they are pretty,maybe i can find the wild ones somehow,again i dont know if the same thing applies?.
28 Feb, 2012
Liverbird Google annuals attractive to insects - carrots are not particularly.
28 Feb, 2012
Hello! You could try some snap dragons - very easy to grow in a pot or border - or any of the pea/bean family, also the winter flowering heathers are brilliant for early bumble bees, and lavender/rosemary is great for bees in the later part of the season. How much space do you have for planting? If you have a small patch how about sowing a mass of some wild flower seed in a large pot, trough or area of your garden? Cosmos is another insect favourite and very pretty and easy to grow.
28 Feb, 2012
You could try some wild flower mix , some of these contain wild carrot which has beautiful flowers but as already stated they are biennial.Wild flower retailers have plugs of these that should flower this year if you cant wait!.
28 Feb, 2012
Thanks to everyone who answered my question on carrot flower,to reply to you all i would say that my garden is very small and mostly put to court yard with very small pockets of planting so i can only have one or two plants so i have to choose carefully,i have taken on board everyones advice and will look forward to choosing some for all the insects to get maximum impact for them and myself. So thanks again to Dgw,Avkq47, and moomgrowe. :)
1 Mar, 2012
Sorry no carrots are biennial meaning that they flower in their second year. There are lots of plants that the insects will enjoy that grow and flower in one year.
28 Feb, 2012