By Lynneg
North Humberside,
United Kingdom
Several years ago I planted several Gladioli and never saw them again! Would like to try again and wondered if anyone could give me some tips please. Also can I grow a camellia in a container and would it need ericaceous compost or a mixture. Thank you.
29 Feb, 2012
One other point with the camellia - if you live in an area with hard water, don't use it for watering; use rainwater instead
29 Feb, 2012
for the gladioli bury them deep 6" is fine and they are more likely to overwinter in the ground. I managed to keep some after the 2 harsh winters here. They flowered beautifuly last summer.
29 Feb, 2012
Many thanks for the advice.
1 Mar, 2012
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Ericaceous compost for your camellia in a container - you will need to pot on probably yearly or bi yearly until you reach a very large container indeed, and at that point, you might find a space for it in the ground instead.
Gladioli sometimes carry on in the ground for a couple of years or more - but only if your soil is light and sandy, doesn't get waterlogged in the winter, and we have mild winters. Usual procedure is to plant them out and then lift them before the first frosts and store in a similar way to dahlias.
29 Feb, 2012