By Ashb
United Kingdom
Climbing plant on a scaffolding pole?
Our garden has a very handy and useful two tier washing line arrangement, which is constructed with two scaffold poles, which i'm sure you can imagine are very ugly! My wife however will not let me get rid of it and replace it with a normal line!
I'm wondering if i could find any climbing plants that might climb it and therefore hide some of its ugliness?
2 Mar, 2012
I've got the same set up for my line and my oh pop riveted some hanging basket brackets to it! I just add seasonal baskets to them for instant colour to help camouflage it a bit.
2 Mar, 2012
Perhaps you could paint the poles so they blend into the background?
2 Mar, 2012
I notice there are some weird trees popping up where telephone masts have been "disguised" with artificial plastic branches - perhaps you can decorate your scaffold poles in the same say. We've got one near our sewage works (says it all really)
2 Mar, 2012
cant you build a small square shape of trellis up most of the poles about a foot across say and then grow some nice climbers up them .
3 Mar, 2012
I'd wrap the poles loosely with a single layer of clematis mesh (comes in green, white or brown) secured to itself with plastic covered wire, and then grow something like tall sweet peas up them. You'd only need about 4 at the most at the base of each.
3 Mar, 2012
well what about putting sweet peas up them but they will need netting. Or morning glories?
I would grow annuals personally and they could be in the ground or in pots.
2 Mar, 2012