By Gardenknome
United Kingdom
Is it ok to plant Helleborus Ivory Prince in a tub and then transfer to garden after flowering?
3 Mar, 2012
agree with MG above - hellebores also resent root disturbance, another reason to plant straight into its final position.
3 Mar, 2012
If you have just bought the hellebor and it is in a reasonable sized pot, then you could sink the whole pot into the tub whilst it flowers and then plant out properly afterwards. This would not involve disturbing the roots more than necessary.
3 Mar, 2012
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« We once tried growing potatoes (this area is the potato capital of Europe),...
It would be better to plant directly into the garden rather than disturbing the roots twice needs semi-shade to full shade and a moist humus rich soil.
3 Mar, 2012