United Kingdom
I found a pound shop bought echinops ritro 10 cm root cutting in my garden shed. It had no instructions on it and was at least 2 years old. It was packaged in a plastic bag surrounded in dry soil. It had been stored in the dark. I planted it in a large pot (30 cm deep with a 60 cm diameter) using the soil that I grew last years tomatoes in (grow bag soil). I put the root under 10 cm of soil in the middle of the pot, watered it and left in a sunny position.
My question is: Will it grow?
3 Mar, 2012
I popped some tomato seeds in as well just in case ;-)
3 Mar, 2012
3 Mar, 2012
I've bought Echinops ritro root cuttings from pound shops before and they were already dried out (even though I didn't store them for 2 years). Popped them hopefully in a pot, just as you have done, but results = 0
3 Mar, 2012
Previous question
Very unlikely I would have thought the root will have completely dried out in two years.
3 Mar, 2012