I have a japanese acer, end of summer, leaves dry on edges and drop off. Is it lacking something, or has it got a desease
By Mydogkelly
United Kingdom
Japanese acer ( maple).
Potted in shade
14 Apr, 2009
We have several Japanses acers, one is almost in full leaf - the rest are still in tight bud, unless yours died over the winter it will leaf up in the next week or so. Just make sure it gets enough water, isn't in a windy spot and gets some sunlight.
14 Apr, 2009
I agree with both of the above. I have one in a pot and its in partial shade but it dropped its leaves early last year as i forgot to water it. oops.
new buds just starting to open. :o)
14 Apr, 2009
Hi, it is normal for acer's to lose thier leave's in the fall as they are not evergreens, however they should be starting to come into leaf again by now. hope this helps.
14 Apr, 2009