By Suzywonkles
United Kingdom
Hi, always liking a bargain, I bought a gypsophelia from the 99p shop! Its just a root (I think), it looks like a narrow parsnip. Apart from soaking it for half an hour prior to planting there are no other instructions, so I'm wondering which way round I plant it or do I plant it so it lays across? Hoping someone can help! Thank you, Sue
9 Mar, 2012
Ah, well my mum planted one a few years ago on its side and nothing happened to it which is why I asked the question! You say 'if it was going to'; I'm assuming by that these types of roots/bulbs aren't too successful? Thanks for your answer.
9 Mar, 2012
It depends on how long they have been dried out for in the packet as to whether they will grow. Have to say the only time I tried nothing grew either.
9 Mar, 2012
Thanks for your help, time will tell!
9 Mar, 2012
Unless the root was packed in moss or a moist compost it is unlikely to do anything.
9 Mar, 2012
now i have bought these and i planted thinnest bit down, assuming it tapered like a carrot. they did grow and flowered for 4 consecqutive years before the winter of 2010/2011
all but the very driest grew.
9 Mar, 2012
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Usually one would plant with the thinnest part at the top. You could plant it on its side and it would still grow (if it was going to!).
9 Mar, 2012