By Primroseka
United Kingdom
hi all what are the best pollination plants available apart from buddleia also any suggestions for fast growing tall shrubs to hide a new fence thanks
9 Mar, 2012
and then can I add the following to Baboo's list: knautia, nigella, snapdragons [despite the closed flower all are frequently visited by the bees in my garden.
9 Mar, 2012
Golden marjoram is full of bees and hoverflies all summer.
10 Mar, 2012
For the shrubs I can recommend Abelia grandiflora - loved by bees, as is the viburnum laurus tinus. They both flower regularly during the year, and are evergreen, flowering twice or thrice in a year. The v.l.tinus flowers early and repeats flowering. If the leaves get eaten, spray with rose bug spray. Abelia seem to be bug free!!
10 Mar, 2012
thanks to all who responded to my question off to the garden centre this week to see what they have got
11 Mar, 2012
Lavender, Hebe, blue flowered salvias, Malva moschata, Cosmos, Echinacea, Foxglove as just a few. Avoid double flowered forms of plants, for instance, in dahlias, choose the open, daisy flowered type, not the ball type, and also avoid most summer bedding, as in busy lizzies and bedding begonias, which have little, if any, pollen.
As for the shrub recommendation, depends if its in full sun or deep shade, or somewhere inbetween, and how deep the border is from front to back.
9 Mar, 2012