By Katiepopples
United Kingdom
I'm afraid I'm back again to ask your advice out there. I got given 8 Giant Oriental Lillies bulbs and have no idea when to plant them or how deep etc. Any advice?
Also I have received some Triteleia Queen Fabiola bulbs now I grown these in the garden but can't remember what time of year. And can these be planted in large pots as I have quite a lot of them. Is it the right time to do it now? Sorry to be such a pain but I am a ral novice when it comes to bulbs.
9 Mar, 2012
You are not a pain - Goyers love answering and reading other peoples answers
10 Mar, 2012
Dead right steragram :o)
10 Mar, 2012
Previous question
dont be afraid. thats what we are here for.
lilies plant a good 6" deep. I have some direct in the garden and others in large plastic pots. pots are often called rose pots, the ones you buy roses in. I plant the bulb 6" deep on a thin layer of sand on top on compost and then cover with multi purpose compost. When they are showing buds I bury the pot where I want the flowers to show. In the autumn I lift the pot out leave it to dry out. then next spring repeat the procedure again. Just planted mine up last week. wont see any growth till mid April.
as for tritellaria plant where you want them in pots or the ground. you will get the leaves and then late june early july the leaves will fade and you will get the flowers instead.
hope this helps.
9 Mar, 2012