By Nkings
United States
My pyracantha bush has no berries. Why not ? I cut it back quite severely several years ago. Ever since, every year long vertical shoots grow up from where I cut, and every year I lop the long vertical shoots back. But not a berry to be seen. Any help much appreciated.
9 Mar, 2012
Yes, Pyracantha bloom on wood that grew the previous year. If you haven't pruned it back this year, yet, leave it until after it blooms. Then cut back a portion of the wood that bloomed, but leave lots of berry clusters intact. Prune lightly off and on through the summer, to keep the berries where you can see them, but allow it to get some growth to bloom next year. If they are already pruned hard, then do the light pruning to keep the size down, but allow some new wood to form. That will bloom and berry next year.
10 Mar, 2012
You may well have been cutting back the branches which should have flowered. Try only cutting half way, or leaving a couple of branches on the bush and see if that is the problem.
(I found I'd just typed "on the bus rather than on the bush - don't think leaving them on the bus would be much help, lol.)
10 Mar, 2012