By Barbaraolive
United Kingdom
what do i do with dalia tubers that are shrivelled up
10 Mar, 2012
Save your compost and throw them away. I've yet to see such a tuber grow.
If you do decide to pot them up, use a damp compost to fill around the tuber to about an inch below the crown, ie, where the stem joins the tuber, and don't water as your shrivelled tuber will definitely rot.
Soil temperatures above 50'f will start a normal tuber into growth.
10 Mar, 2012
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Well, they're either still functioning or not, and you won't know till you try - pot them up, water, allow to drain, then stand on a brightly lit windowsill inside somewhere to see if anything grows. Don't water again unless and until growth appears. You might have to wait 6 - 8 weeks for anything to show.
10 Mar, 2012