Cutting back Clematis Armandii
By Jan_edgcumbe
United Kingdom
Can I cut back and move Clematis Armandii if so how soon can I do this and how drastic can I be with cutting as I need to release it from a fence, it is in completely the wrong place
15 Apr, 2009
Oh dear, Jan - I know they don't like being moved. However, if needs must - take the advice above and move it after you have cut it back, then feed it and keep it well-watered. I hope it survives. Good luck!
15 Apr, 2009
Remember also to plant it deep. At least 4 inches lower than soil surface. Clematis love to have their roots well protected in shade.
15 Apr, 2009
Oh well here goes, thank you to all who tried to help Jan
16 Apr, 2009
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« I've a south facing garden, which is quite shaded in places and stays wet for...
From the RHS - Gardening Advice pruning clematis:
For pruning purposes clematis can be divided into three groups:
Group 1
Small-flowered species and their cultivars, flowering early spring on last season’s growth.
e.g. Clematis alpina, C. armandii, C. cirrhosa, C. macropetala, C. montana
General pruning
Minimal. Remove dead or damaged stems, and reduce others to their allotted space immediately after flowering (see pic left).
Cut back to 15-30cm (6-12in) from the base immediately after flowering.
15 Apr, 2009