By Beattie
United Kingdom
Long flowering season plants. I was looking round the garden and realised that the Erysimum 'Bowles Mauve' plants that I put in last July are still flowering - and have been since I planted them. What wonderful plants!
Are there others you can suggest with such long flowering seasons on so little care and attention?
I think someone has written a blog about this - was it you Anchorman? Are there any other suggestions? Thanks
11 Mar, 2012
yes mine has been brill to. Helenium Sahin's early flowerer started in May and still had a 'sad' flower in December. another brill plant.
Heerocallis also do well from June through to october and Phlox paniculata 3 months plus. I keep dead heading too.
12 Mar, 2012
Coreopsis grandiflora - they start flowering around April and carry right on till its freezing cold. Shortlived plants though, just like all the perennials that keep on and on flowering.
12 Mar, 2012
Thanks to you all for your suggestions. I tried Helenium and they were slaughtered by our slugs and snails which are very numerous here.
I have some Hemerocallis and they're good in their season, but don't flower for very long here. Do you get more than one flush of flowers from your Phlox paniculata SBG? I wonder what I'm doing wrong - I dead head them, more or less.
I tried a couple of Coreopsis a couple of years ago but they've been weedy little things that struggled. Maybe I've got them in too shady a spot - I've just read they like sun & mine get part shade.
More suggestions welcome!
12 Mar, 2012
Sbg probably has some of the "everblooming" forms of Hemerocallis. Rudbeckia fulgida and Gaillardia grandiflora should also be long-bloomers, if fed and deadheaded. Penstemon barbatus hybrids can also be long bloomers.
13 Mar, 2012
Thanks Tug, I'll have to google everblooming Hemerocallis - hadn't heard of them. I have some Penstemons and you're right, they do bloom well.
13 Mar, 2012
Yes you have, Beattie - Hemerocallis is Day Lily...
13 Mar, 2012
I know that Bamboo - it's the everblooming bit I hadn't heard of. I now know that they're also called re-blooming varieties, and I have at least one, but it's not what I'd call long-flowering or prolific.
13 Mar, 2012
I'm not a lover myself, of any of them - not enough bloom to leaf ratio for me....
13 Mar, 2012
I know what you mean - and the colours can be a bit dismal & muddy .....
13 Mar, 2012
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« A couple of dumb questions! I'm moving in a month, and there are two plants...
I agree with you ... my 'Bowles Mauve' seems to be in bloom constantly! ... The Anchorman blog is on my Favourites ... showing many long lasting flowering plants ... well worth looking at.
12 Mar, 2012