By Tomyoud
United Kingdom
On plant
Strelitzia reginae
14 Mar, 2012
LOL! Succinct, but very true, Bamboo! Tommyoud, it has both kinds of parts in each flower, like most flowering plants.
14 Mar, 2012
If mine had ever flowered in the years that I have owned it I would know that!
15 Mar, 2012
Mine's on notice - it's the fifth year this year, its getting huge, taking up a lot of room in my lounge, and if it doesn't flower in the next 10 months, it's out the door...
15 Mar, 2012
I've found that they need lots of intense sun to bloom--minimum 4 hours of direct sun a day. Also, use a feed that is high in potash, not phosphate.
15 Mar, 2012
All I can say about my Bird of Paradise is that in the time I have owned it, it hasn't died :D
I think it's like a pension plan, I will reap the benefits one day...
Thanks for the tip about food, very useful to know.
15 Mar, 2012
Info in my houseplant book says it won't flower for at least 4 years, needs to be a minimum of 18 inches tall and in a minimum 10inch pot before it does flower.
16 Mar, 2012
Also make sure that it is the right kind of Bird-of-Paradise. Giant B-o-P (Strelitzia nicolai), often sold as "White Bird-of-Paradise", needs to be at least 3 m tall before blooming!
16 Mar, 2012
14 Mar, 2012