By Mahutch
United Kingdom
Hi could anyone suggest flowers for bees and butterflys.
14 Mar, 2012
Thank you. I have buddleias, thistles, hebes and echinacea just need to get some more. Don't seem to have much out now in the garden.
14 Mar, 2012
Here's one that's coming into flower now, and the bees love it - Pulmonaria. Mine was literally buzzing downstairs with all the visitors.
14 Mar, 2012
According to Sarah Raven, any of the Centaureas. I've planted lots this year. Another honey-pot for bees is Marjoram and it's a lovely herb. My Verbena bonariensis attracts Hummingbird Hawk Moths - fascinating.
14 Mar, 2012
When anybody asks this I always add golden marjoram. It has lovely lilac flowers all summer, pretty golden leaves all year round and is full of bees and hoverflies for months on end, more than any other plant in the garden. Its easy going, low growing, spreads into a large clump but is not invasive.
14 Mar, 2012
Thank you
14 Mar, 2012
The bees seemed to love my sunflowers last year, also my friend has a massive lavendar and they adore it.
15 Mar, 2012
thank you
15 Mar, 2012
I'm a big fan of golden marjoram. As Stereagram says the insects love it
15 Mar, 2012
'lavender' XD
15 Mar, 2012
Thank you everyone will try these. I have tried to grow lavender before but it seems to die after the first year.
16 Mar, 2012
There's a list as long as your arm... First rule though, don't buy any plant with double flowers (for example, dahlias - buy the open, daisy type ones, not the fancy, spiky ones). Also avoid F1 bedding, which is most of your summer bedding such as busy lizzies, bedding begonias, although Lobelia they do like.
That said, Monarda, Scabious, Lavender, Hebe, purple or blue forms of Salvias, Foxgloves, Campanulas, Malva moschata, Calendula, Eryngium, Echinacea, Verbena bonariensis or rigida or hastata, Echinops ritro, Buddleia, Chives, Oregano, Thyme (if you let them flower), Cosmos, Hesperis. I'm sure people will come up with others as well. All these are more effective for bees and butterflies if in sun.
14 Mar, 2012