I bought a tree peony today and wonderd whether to treat it the same as the 'usual' peony or does it need any special requirements?
By Sheilar
Sunderland Tyne and Wear,
United Kingdom
I bought a tree peony today and wondered whether to treat it the same as the 'usual' peony or does it need any special requirements?
14 Mar, 2012
I have 2 TP but never do any special treatment .
And are growing well.
15 Mar, 2012
Thanks Owd and Scotkat - the other thing I wanted to ask is it says on the tag 'this tree peony can't be cut and transplanted' - does this mean when it grows bigger I can't divide it?
15 Mar, 2012
Yes, that is what it means. It is probably grafted onto either herbaceous rootstock or common tree Paeony roots. Even on their own roots tree Paeonies are not really easily propagated by division.
15 Mar, 2012
Aw, thanks for that. It's just that the ordinary ones are so easy to divide. That's fine, I only wanted one of these anyway! :o))
15 Mar, 2012
Just took possession of a tree peony as well - thanks also for the timely info!
15 Mar, 2012
I think we have half a dozen or so. I would have more but they are a bit expensive.
15 Mar, 2012
I paid £3.50 but I was told they're up to £12 in the garden centres
16 Mar, 2012
Yes, the ones I would like are up to 10 times that amount.
16 Mar, 2012
Wow - I got a bargain then didn't I:o))
16 Mar, 2012
We have an old yellow tree peony that was kept in a pot for a long time and then put in the ground. It has done quite well since it was moved out of the pot and into the border. They do seem tough plants. It has lots of shoots but still not very large. It is said they are better pruned to three good branches, rather than allowed to do their own thing and get very large.
17 Mar, 2012
As you will see from my profile pic the tree peony is one of my favourites! I didn't get a flower the first year but the second and third years have been increasingly spectacular. Stick with it and you should have a stunning addition to your garden - but let it settle in.
17 Mar, 2012
hi she i have a huge tree peony ,but strangely year by year sections are dying off i started with maybe 20 huge flowers now down to 7/8 i dont know whats wrong , maybe its run its course ,its vey beutifull though
3 Apr, 2012
What height do they grow to Pete? The one I bought is still in it's pot (I feel a bit guilty as I haven't got round to putting it in the garden yet) but it's doing very well, got lots of healthy leaves on it
3 Apr, 2012
They are not like the herbaceous plants in that they need planting like any other shrub. Put at the same depth as they are in the pot, the stem will rot if planted deeper than the old soil level. They like a rich soil, but other than they there is no special treatment.
15 Mar, 2012